Thesis SEO Blogspot Template - What is Seo Style

Thesis SEO Blogspot Template ? Thesis SEO Blogger / Blogspot Template - For several days it does not update Squire SEO Blogspot blog. Not update the blog is not without reason. In addition to its being prepared for something that is important in the real world, Squire is also SEO friendly design of this blogspot template. In addition to the concept of SEO, this template also continue prioritizing the concept of visitor friendly. 2 the concept of a "few" people say a falling out. But, yaitulah, as a very, very new template desain2an this mock. I want to try the challenge. Hopefully a lot of love with the skipper template name is Thesis SEO Blogger template.
Why give the name of Thesis SEO Blogger / Blogspot Template?
As the name implies, this template is directly converted from wordpress theme that's worth $ 87. yes maybe some of the visitors of this blog already know about the thesis wordpress theme. theme that "he" most SEO killer is already recognized by om mattcuts. Because look at the themes that are so popular among SEO addict who has not been widely converted to Blogger (if there are not too similar), skipper finally try to edit a theme which is now the skipper made ​​the theme of "similar" wordpress theme.

Here is the look of the front page of Thesis SEO for Blogger:

Thesis for Blogger

What are the features of this template SEO Friendly?
- SEO Friendly
- Visitor Friendly
- Equipped with Dinamic heading (h1 in the header on the index, and h1 in the post title in the posting)
- Equipped with a description and keyword metatags Dynamics automatic (mandatory metatags in order to avoid duplicate meta description & keywords)
- Quicklink to comment box
- Already armed Autoreadmore
- Equipped with an additional meta tag to make robots crawl your blog.
- Loading a rapid
- The concept of minimalism & simple
- Etc.
Does the lack of this template?
There may be some elements that are not too similar. but yes in sekeluruhan skippers think its enough. If yo-yo this template if users find any errors or something that is less preferred, please provide your input via the comments box.

What is SEO Friendly Template is free?
But of course please do not remove credit link dibagian footer.

Editing guide:

Do not forget to edit the description and keywords meta tag. Do the following:
A. Seteleh managed code in upload, edit html code look like this:


2. Replace the code in green is the blog description. example:
meta name = "DESCRIPTION" content = "blog that discusses the latest gossip Indonesian artist this year '

3.The save the template. after the save, go back underneath the code like this:
4. Replace that code with the keyword green blog. example:
meta name = "KEYWORDS" content = 'gossip artist, artist Indonesia, the latest gossip, gossip hot'

5. Save the template. Oia, one more, descriptions and keywords must be relevant to the content of your blog. For example blog tutorial discusses about Blogging. So keywords and descriptions should be about blogging tutorial also. Hopefully these templates SEO Friendly helpful. regards

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